Investing in employee wellbeing

Apr 15, 2024

If employee wellbeing isn’t top of mind in your organisation, maybe it should be.

Globally, employees around the world are feeling the pressure and reacting strongly to it. Amidst massive global economic downturns, they’re dealing with cost-of-living crises and financial uncertainty. Their mental health has taken a dip, leading to only 23% of employees globally saying that they’re thriving and engaged at work. On the other end of the spectrum, of the employees who are “actively disengaged” at work, an astounding 61% are looking to pursue other career opportunities.

Clearly employees are looking to their employers for support, and the employers who don’t provide support are quite likely to find their talent attraction and retention strategies waning as a result.


Here are 10 truths that strengthen the business case for prioritising your employees’ physical and mental wellbeing:

At the end of the day, there’s very clearly a strong business care for employers to protect their people and support their wellbeing in order to encourage them to bring their best ideas and most productive selves to work every day.

One way that Unisure is passionate about helping companies do this is by offering international group benefit solutions that:

  • are equitable across multiple regions
  • offer world-class support that is sought-after by employees globally
  • make a positive impact on the overall culture of the business – as well as its bottom line.

Visit to learn more about how we can help you and your employees.