Global Health Insurance Solutions

Our global health insurance offerings are centred around worldwide, world-class doctor and hospital networks, always putting our clients first, and delivering compassionate, round-the-clock care when our clients need us most.

In our line of work, we witness the life-changing and life-saving role that health insurance plays in people’s lives on a daily basis. We’re confident that we can help you, your family, your clients or your employees find a global solution that covers your needs.

We have two global health insurance

plan options to choose from

Umatter Health Insurance Plan

Our Umatter international private medical insurance plan offers dynamic and innovative solutions for employers and employees. The key feature of this plan is its flexibility in allowing the client to choose the plan’s structure, benefits and cost.

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Mining & Energy Forum Health Insurance Plan

Our Mining and Energy Forum Health Insurance Plan (MEF) is specifically designed for the mining, oil, gas, energy, petrochemical and supporting industries, offering employers material cost savings on premiums without compromising on the level of benefits and care for the members.

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Our Customer Offering

Personalised global health insurance solutions for corporates

24/7 call centre

Worldwide emergency medical assistance

Worldwide medical provider network

Transparency on pricing and benefits

Generous annual benefits in a stable currency (USD)

Clients in over 100 countries

95%+ client retention rate

Have a question on one of the above products?

If we can help you with more information about our product offerings, or if you would like to meet with one of our product experts, please contact us: